Specialty Archery PXL Hunter Aperture KIT
The most advanced peep system in the archery industry, completely designed for ultimate accuracy.
CST Center String Technology PXL Capture Aperture located on center of bowstring no L and R misses.
OCT Optical Centered Technology Improved centration of lenses for ultimate accuracy.
PLT Protected Lens Technology Lenses protected by plastic on 2 sides prevents cracking.
DSAT Dual String Angle technology has both 37 and 45-degree string angles on the same peep housing.
TAP Tool-less Aperture Technology Knurled Tool-less PXL Capture Aperture eliminates the need for an aperture wrench.
PXL Clarifier or Verifier lenses can be removed from the Capture Aperture for easy cleaning.
Additional PXL Hunter Peep Shade Cap accessory screws into front of peep to prevent glare.
NOTE: PXL Hunter Peep Apertures, PXL Hunter Peep Clarifiers, and PXL Hunter Peep Verifiers fit into Specialty Archery PXL Hunter Peep ONLY. NOT compatible with other Specialty Archery peeps.
PXL Hunter Peep Capture Aperture 7.5 grains